We give you up-to-date expertise
We specialize in passive and thermal components and have more than 25 years of experience in the electronic industry
Specialists in passive components
We first started as part of Shecoand from 2002 we established EC Partner AS. In 2011, EC Partner Ltd, was established in Hong Kong, and became our distribution and logistics center. Our customers are currently located in Europe, North America and in Asia.
Supply Chain
All our customers producing in Norway and Europe are served through our office and warehouse in Oslo. Here we have good connections to the airport and the European highways for truck transport.
We also have an office and warehouse in Hong Kong, which allows us to supply components to Norwegian customers wherever they choose to manufacture.
We focus on these areas in particular
Conflict minerals
The goods we supply are in accordance with both regulations RoHS and REACH - and that none of the products contain conflicting materials.